

Hedy is an authentic, awesome coach. She lets me spill it all out, which was great. Initially I was very nervous, but I reminded myself that I have been through doctor training, which was a lot scarier than being coached!

I finally realized that it’s OK for things to be scary and new, and it’s human to make mistakes. It’s OK not to be perfect, which feels different than what was drilled into me from medical training. I am learning to do new things. Just because I have been trained to do things a certain way as a doctor, it doesn’t mean there aren’t better way to do things!

She helped me discover new ways to think about things. It is OK to feel things that are not necessarily positive all the time. I learn that I can make options work. I am not hopeless.

I thought my partners threw me under the bus. After Hedy's coaching, I was able to view the same event with a completely different and empowering perspective. She held my hand through the process to get me to a better mindset. I am now able to take actions to solve the problems that were really bothering me before. I have much more leverage, weight, and results than I thought previously. She is a talented coach! She is also very easy to talk to, like an old friend.

I went from not accepting self and feeling rejected by everyone, to accepting myself and where I am right now. Now I am hopeful, learning and changing for the better. I have grown to be more like the person who I have always wanted to be. Hedy has been tremendously helpful for me.

Thank you Hedy!

Hedy helped me unfold unhealthy expectations and thoughts. Nobody else had ever laid these out before. My family and friends have been good sounding board, but they had not given me super helpful advice. Hedy helped me realize my own expectations and false thought loops. At first, my brain did not accept right away. We kept on working on them, and I am happy to report that I have come out on the other side. I never had that kind of help before. I am very impressed of her. She has such a kind spirit.

I come with all of these issues and Hedy patiently listens to me. Hedy kindly and gently challenges the way I think. I have been writing down so many new insights from our sessions and refer to them frequently! She motivates me to continue to make myself better not by kicking myself, but by appreciating the skills that I do have.

Hedy helps me come to wonderful new perspectives. She gently redirected me when I needed it. For example, I did not allow myself to think about an option. I am thankful that she challenged me to also look into it, because now I can look back and see that it was a powerful option for me.

To say that coaching with Hedy has changed my life would be an understatement. When we first started working together, I was trying to make changes in my life. I had worked so hard to get into medical school, residency, and a competitive fellowship, but something was still missing. I had trouble feeling connected and present at work and at home. I struggled to find the courage and vulnerability that I needed to implement the changes I wanted.

The first thing I noticed about Hedy was her incredibly kind, caring, and compassionate nature. She was inquisitive, but not pushy while exploring my concerns. She completely understood the struggles of balancing my physician career and home life and listened without judgment. I think what stood out most was the level of encouragement she provided. She never told me what I needed to do, but rather uncovered the things I wanted to do. Once I was clear on my actual wants, she provided the support and motivation to turn my desires into reality. She continually brings a new level of awareness to my thinking that I could not accomplish on my own.

Coaching with Hedy gave me the support and motivation I needed to uplevel my life and medical career. I came to her looking for permission to do the things I wanted. She gently reminded me that I didn’t need her permission, then championed me as I moved forward on my journey. She has become one of my greatest cheerleaders and I am eternally grateful. I was not completely sold on coaching before working with Hedy. After working with her, I can honestly say I’m not sure how I functioned before. Investing in this program was one of the best investments of my life. If you are considering coaching with Hedy, just do it! Your future self will undoubtedly thank you for this incredible gift.


Hedy brought to light things that I only subconsciously knew, but did not dare to think about. I also had a revelation that I cannot control or change other people, but I can change my own thoughts and behaviors. That sounds so simple! Of course intellectually I knew that, but never really accepted it in reality. Before talking with her, I had never even spoken out loud about those issues. Now thinking back, I realize that my business partners and I would not talk about these things either.

After I worked with Hedy on my issues, I was able to plan out what to do to solve my problems in practical ways. I was also able to realize what prevented me from implementing those solutions, so I can do even better next time!

I loved Hedy’s insights and my new ways of thinking, learning from, and believing about my life and career situations. I had been trying to coach myself before, but was not able to get there. Hedy’s help has been very helpful because my negativity and tension have dissipated. I am now carrying much less mental weight. This whole experience has been so empowering to me. I have been doing the things that we have been working on together. When the coaching started, I was not sure where we were going, but I get it now. Even better, I have had that a-ha moment since then! I am now so much more gracious to myself.

Getting to a better life sometimes require addressing uncomfortable things. Hedy uses methods that are very helpful to make the process more enjoyable. She has a way to help me dig deeper and find out things about myself that I had not thought about. I finally realized what had been stopping me. Hedy was able to link together issues that initially seemed to be completely different to me, but turned out to be truly connected. She was also able to uncover things that I was never aware of about myself before.

Hedy has been great in keeping me accountable. She has been through and understands the rigors and long process of medical school, residency, and medical practice. She gets what I am going through. With her coaching, I have been able to identify the next steps to take in my life and career that I had never thought of before.

Hedy has been very helpful to me in overcoming my self-doubt. She skillfully picks up nuances not only on the things that I said, but also on the hidden reasons that even I had not realized before.

I now realize that regardless of how I perceive myself and minimize my own performance, I have made a huge impact on my patients’ lives, and that is what ultimately matters. Judging myself would only interfere with my ability to help my patients. How we perceive ourselves are different from how others see us. Most importantly, my family has seen the big changes in me. Having been coached by Hedy has been priceless.

At one point I was drowned in my own judgment and shame. She gently reminded me to reflect what I would like to take away from it. She completely turned the negative situation into a fruitful focus that was useful for me to process and move forward from.

Hedy was able to call back and pull together different details into amazing viewpoints for me. She reminded me of the purpose and long-term view of all of the stuff I used to perceive as problems. She was able to bring me back to my purpose, which was transformative for me!






It has been eye-opening for me to finally see my own patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I was in a rut before Hedy helped me. I could not have crawled out of it myself. Believe me, I tried! Now looking back, I cannot believe how irrational I have been thinking and acting. It has been amazing to have Hedy provide me with an external view of myself, and to exercise productive thoughts and actions.

Since having Hedy as my coach, I have taken on new things: Positive mindset, clarity on mindset shift, and momentum to keep taking actions. She is great!


Hedy is a consummate professional. She is totally natural at this. She made me feel at ease and guided me to my next step and specific direction in life. 

She is proficient in expanding and exploring in-depth on my issues and brought up eye-opening perspectives. I intellectually knew I had some control, but emotionally I did not feel like I had any. I used to feel that I had to do what my clients said. I can now see things can be done creatively, when put in a context that is authentic for me but still helps my clients.

Now I truly know that I do not need to make anything into a drama. She has done a wonderful job to help me to finally see I that I do have choices. Hedy does a great job of keeping me straight.


One of Hedy’s superpowers is her empathy. She always creates a non-judgmental space that I can feel comfortable coming to.

My boss has been very negative to me. Hedy helped me realize that it did not matter, because my future is not at my current employment. If it were not for this seemingly negative situation, I would not have ever found the brand new direction where I am heading now. I love that new perspective.