Are you feeling trapped,
barely existing just to dread another clinic day?
It does not have to stay that way!

You can find joy in your work and family again!
Yes, the long road of training was arduous and at times felt like an insurmountable task,
but I finally completed all of it!

I used to think that I was supposed to be blissfully happy to have such privilege to hold this profession.

I thought that the days of my striving for having a fulfilling career finally came to a glorious end…
Until that day I realized that it did not.

I know you can relate. More than half of physicians in the US are burnt out and consider leaving medicine.

Friend, if this struggle sounds familiar, there is good news.
I tried so hard to make things work.
Do you remember back in the day when you felt that “calling” to do the impossible?

I used to be a chemical engineer then an information technology project manager.  I was doing very well in my career.

Then I felt a calling to have a big life change to become a physician.

I did not even want to go to grad school, let alone medical school and residency!

I felt shame, because others try so hard to get into where I was and could not.

I told myself that other people had it so much worse than me and I should be happy.

I felt embarrassed, because others may judge me as weak for not loving a perceived “dream” job,
even though they have no idea what actually took place on a daily basis.

I felt guilty, because I didn’t know if I wanted to continue being in medicine anymore.

Because all of those years, efforts, sacrifices, and the student loans that went into this pursuit…

Would I just throw them all away? Let them all go to waste?

I have discovered that there is  a light at the end of the tunnel,
and I can walk you through this to get you to the end of the tunnel faster.

You will learn and uncover ways designed specifically for you to THRIVE in the midst of the realities of your life.

We will work together to reclaim your JOY back.

Don’t let your life slip out of your hands without making time to really SAVOR it!
Why do I love working with those with these struggles just like yours?

With the way physicians are treated and having unrealistic demands placed on us, no wonder so many of us are conflicted and miserable in clinical practice.

I have been there… I know what you are going through. If you allow me, I will go alongside you in this process.

Once you know and practice these tools, you can’t un-know them. It changed how I perceive and experience my life. This is truly life-changing.

Less suffering, more enjoyment.
Less overwhelm, more clarity.
Less frustration, more fulfillment.

From being stagnant… to growing as a person.

You have worked hard to get here!

To be more balanced and appreciate where you are in life.

To live aligned with what is important to YOU.

To steward your life, time, talents, resources, family, and possessions.
To discover and run towards your life's purposes.

To be motivated and encouraged to keep on making progress and reaching your goals.

To design the future of your dreams and make it a reality.

To experience more JOY and wonder in life.

To stop letting life slip out of your hands… and live it more fully and actually ENJOY it!

In all aspects. Your identity, relationships, family, and career. Your dreams. Your LIFE.

I am a professional certified life coach.
I am a mom and a board-certified dermatologist.

After having worked in engineering, followed by IT project management,

then in full-time clinical practice for a decade post-residency,

I currently work as a professional life coach to physicians and non-physicians,
healthcare tech consultant,

and independent locum physician.

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